Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Ecological Footprint Reflection

In class we went on to see what our personal ecological footprint. The website asked various question about how many resources you use in your life. This ends up calculating how many earths we would need if everyone lived like me.They asked many questions on what types of food you eat, how much of it and is it processed or grown close by.
They also ask how much electricity and natural resources like gas and how much we use of it.

I guessed 6 earths for how i live with all the driving I do and all of the meat that I eat daily while i was taking the test i was noticing how materialistic i really am because almost everything i did it was always more than half not much of the questions did i answer with less than half. I ended up needing 4.6 Earths. I am selfish then i changed my selfish ways, retook the test and only needed 3.4 earths.

1 comment:

  1. Perhaps we will learn some things through this class to make it even less!
