Thursday, September 11, 2014

Lorax and Easter Island Refelction

     In the movie the Lorax, the onceler found a resource that can help him bloom a business and his business was selling thneeds. Before the onceler stated selling the thneeds there were many trees and the environment was happy. Once he started cutting down thousands of trees the air filled with smog then it became a huge problem because animals were loosing their homes and the water was being filled with slug. Never once did the oncler think about what he was doing and that he was killing the environment. He didn't replant any seeds  and everything was left for dead and once there wasn't any trees left his business went down the drain just like the environment did because money was more important than effecting all types of life. But its only a cartoon right ? So this doesn't happen in real life.

     In the article from Easter Island it really opened my eyes about how people don't think of what their doing as killing the environment but as saving their selves in the moment. On  Easter Island there became a huge problem when the people that lived on Easter Island  destroyed their own civilization by cutting down ans destroying their land. This happened because they needed the trees to house themselves, make canoes and have fuel. They weren't smart about what they did because they made it impossible for them to survive because they used their resources  all at once and never replanted what the cut down, animals habitats were taken so then everyone started dying off until there was nothing left of Easter Island except statues.

     The Lorax began to make more sense after the reading of Easter Island, because I understood why everything went down hill in the Lorax so fast and not because it is a cartoon but because that is what actually ends up happening . When people have the power to destroy a civilization by just cutting down thousands of trees then who knows how much other damage humans are making on the earth today with all of our advanced technologies. APES is already teaching me how the little things people don't think about can make such and impact on and environment.

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