Sunday, September 14, 2014

Split or Steal/ Prisoners Dilemma Reflection

In today's world humans are in high demand of earths natural resources as a way of living. Everyday humans are altering animals living conditions , eating patterns and much more. We're destroying our environment without out really realizing it, humans are selfish. 

There is a theory called "Prisoners Dilemma" which is an example of how selfish and greedy humans can be not only in the environment but in life as well. In this theory there are two people being charged with a crime they had committed together and they are both offered deals:

  • If you "rat-out" the other guy and he confesses you will go free but he'll get 25 years in prison.
  • If you both confess, you both get 5 years in prison.
  • If you confess and he rats you out- you will get 25 years in prison and he will go free.
  • If you "rat-out" each other you BOTH get 25 years in prison.
Now your mind is going crazy, do you rat him out and have the chance of him ratting you our or do you confess and also still have the option for him to rat you out ? The choice is hard but you need trust or something for this to able to work in your favor or the both of you to be free. you need to know what the other person is thinking because humans can become really greedy and it can either be an advantage or a disadvantage and in this case it would either be going to prison for a long time , 5 years or none at all.

In the game Split or Steal follows the same path as Prisoners Dilemma things can either be great or it can go sour real quick if you have trust in the wrong person. In this game you must have trust that you both will be able to walk away with something in the end or nothing at all. Of course there's the option of both players becoming greedy and both leaving empty handed instead of splitting and both leaving with something.

Humans have no idea about the how being selfish can have an effect on other people, in both "Prisoners Dilemma" and split or steal. People don't understand that their selfishness for necessities affect the environment every day and they don't realize it , some don't even care.

1 comment:

  1. This. Is. Awesome. I love the pics and the detail!! Now just do the ones you're missing!
