Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Too Many People!?

Today in class we learned more about population. We watched some videos and  learned many things about population. For example one thing we learned was how it has increased and will keep increasing as the years go on. In one of the videos we watched in class was how the population changed. In the video it showed us how each country increases its population. Different dye colors in the water represented the different countries, each drop inside the cup was a child being born  and each drop the cup had leaked out of the bottom was a human that has passed away. After the video we read an article on Carrying Capacity. The idea of Carrying capacity is that humans need certain resources to survive at subsistence level. 

My opinion on population is that the earth has too many people. Right now the worlds population is around 7 billion! That's a lot of people and i think that eventually there will be too many people but not enough resources to survive.There are too many children having children which is increasing the population and birth rate but that much more when they can just be on birth control or use condoms then we wouldn't be increasing the population too much every year it becomes higher and higher . STOP HAVING CHILDREN ONE AFTER ANOTHER !! 

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