Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Symbiocity Lab Reflection

In class we we're give a lab which was to create your own city with your own enviortmal friendly or unfriendly products and see how your city would surrive.thr cities were faved with many challenges one being me "The Mayor " of Doomsdale sounds great huh? Well my important task was to resolve everyday problems such as traffic and low mobility, insufficient energy production, pollution which results in bad air quality 😷 lack of recreational areas ⛳️Rebuilding and creating efficent heating and cooling in buildings and elimating energy waste by reusing as much as possible.. Unclear water (contamination) urban sprawl, vision (thick smog from industries) (China ewwww) 😷👷 I tried my hardest to take my city from a very poor quality to good standings with the environment but this was expensive and I only had 42,100 💵 to spend on such an expensive project that takes years to start making money back for all that is spent . 

Even with all of my energy efficient signs and rebuilding and transportation and cleaning the air reusing this energy for that and the other thing my  city was still in poor conditions not worse but not better but would start becoming more stable as time went on and as people stared riding bikes and driving hybrid vehicles and saving energy and water and less pollution because of recycling and trashes everywhere and increasing recreational areas. It is a very difficult task taking on a declining city to bring up and renew it so it is livable I tried my hardest and I wasn't kicked out of office like Briana 😂 

 This lab has opened my eyes to our city and how much pullution comes from the airport being so close by and all of the busses and cars with industry blooming in the city shows we need to start taking the environmental friendly route so we don't end up like China in 10 years or less because of the boom!

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