Thursday, March 12, 2015

CORNucopia Refrection



The problem with corn being such a prominent ingredient is that so much is needed, there constantly needs to be production of it. I also think that it is not necessarily needed/healthy in certain things...

I'm freaking out!!!!!!! EVERYTHING is CORN!!!! 

Chips=CORN  Soda=CORN  Vegetable oil=CORN  ...

 CORN+grass=CORNgrass eaten by cows, chickens pigs ect.

 =ing CORNmilk, CORNchicken, CORNbeef,CORNbacon.


get my point??? okay maybe that was a little CORNy!!

I'm so mad at you Miss Reid ! all i think about is CORN ! 

Food Inc. Dollar Menu Reflection.. What are we eating? Is it Healthy?

HAVE IT YOUR WAY!    I'm Lovin' It!

Have you ever heard those slogans, I beT you have! There our most popular fast food restaurants, well your opinion might change when you watch Food Inc. . 

In class we watched a portion of Food Inc. a documentary on how most foods are being created, in quiet horrific detail if you ask me. During the film they have scientist speaking and explain all of what goes in to the product and  how it is good and bad for the human body. In my personal opinion I do think that having a healthy diet and way of life is the persons self responsibility because it is in your health on what you look like, how you feel, and what the unhealthy sources of foods are doing to your body. For example there are many people on a kick right right with being fit and healthy and working out everything eating healthy and maintaining great standing heath because they choose to eat a salad in stead of a bacon cheeseburger and fries, a protein bar instead of a candy bar. While on the other hand you have a person whom is only eating fast food as their meals and keeps increasing body fat and other bad toxins that are in fast food. But there is an understanding but also a sacrifice that needs to be made when switching to a healthy diet and that means $$$, because you pay more for better quality. It's your life, you decide!

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Symbiocity Lab Reflection

In class we we're give a lab which was to create your own city with your own enviortmal friendly or unfriendly products and see how your city would surrive.thr cities were faved with many challenges one being me "The Mayor " of Doomsdale sounds great huh? Well my important task was to resolve everyday problems such as traffic and low mobility, insufficient energy production, pollution which results in bad air quality 😷 lack of recreational areas ⛳️Rebuilding and creating efficent heating and cooling in buildings and elimating energy waste by reusing as much as possible.. Unclear water (contamination) urban sprawl, vision (thick smog from industries) (China ewwww) 😷👷 I tried my hardest to take my city from a very poor quality to good standings with the environment but this was expensive and I only had 42,100 💵 to spend on such an expensive project that takes years to start making money back for all that is spent . 

Even with all of my energy efficient signs and rebuilding and transportation and cleaning the air reusing this energy for that and the other thing my  city was still in poor conditions not worse but not better but would start becoming more stable as time went on and as people stared riding bikes and driving hybrid vehicles and saving energy and water and less pollution because of recycling and trashes everywhere and increasing recreational areas. It is a very difficult task taking on a declining city to bring up and renew it so it is livable I tried my hardest and I wasn't kicked out of office like Briana 😂 

 This lab has opened my eyes to our city and how much pullution comes from the airport being so close by and all of the busses and cars with industry blooming in the city shows we need to start taking the environmental friendly route so we don't end up like China in 10 years or less because of the boom!

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Too Many People!?

Today in class we learned more about population. We watched some videos and  learned many things about population. For example one thing we learned was how it has increased and will keep increasing as the years go on. In one of the videos we watched in class was how the population changed. In the video it showed us how each country increases its population. Different dye colors in the water represented the different countries, each drop inside the cup was a child being born  and each drop the cup had leaked out of the bottom was a human that has passed away. After the video we read an article on Carrying Capacity. The idea of Carrying capacity is that humans need certain resources to survive at subsistence level. 

My opinion on population is that the earth has too many people. Right now the worlds population is around 7 billion! That's a lot of people and i think that eventually there will be too many people but not enough resources to survive.There are too many children having children which is increasing the population and birth rate but that much more when they can just be on birth control or use condoms then we wouldn't be increasing the population too much every year it becomes higher and higher . STOP HAVING CHILDREN ONE AFTER ANOTHER !! 

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Parking Lot Lab Reflection

For the purpose of our lab, Ms. Reid split the school parking lot into 2 communities: Community A and Community B The class went around the two communities and figured out how many of each color cars were parked there. I got my data from Briana and from her data i figured out that Community B was the most diverse of the group because the relative diversity was higher than Community A. There was a dominate species (in this case color of cars) in Community A it was blue and in Community B it was silver. I think that those two colors were the most dominate because of the style of the car and because they are most common colors especially for the age range of whose cars were parked in the lot. Because of the amount of cars along with the fact that we had to compute equations, there might have been something wrong with the data to make this happen but maybe it would have been different if it was done in a mall parking lot.

Climate Reflection

Climate is the average change of weather that occurs in a given region over a period of time. Climate can be affected by five different factors.
-Latitude: latitude increases, the average annual temperature decreases.
-Closeness to large bodies of water: water moderates temperature (ex: cooler summers, warmer winters)
-Rain shadow: windward side- cool and moist/leeward side- warm and dry
-Elevation- as elevation increases, the average annual temperature decreases
-Ocean currents- warm currents- warmer climates/cold currents- cooler climates

Boston and California have two completely different climates. California's temperatures are much warmer than Bostons. Because of Bostons location in the north-eastern part of the country, it tends to be colder than other areas in the country. Latitude is what makes a huge impact on the climate and the climate change. California is closer to the equator which makes it have  a warmer temperature for that reason., Even though both  are coastal states and are along the water Boston experiences a much colder climate from the closest body of water which in this case is The Atlantic Ocean and California which is next to the Pacific Ocean and experiences warmer climate. I rather go live in California but only for the winter seasons here in Boston.

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Trophic Gamble

     The Trophics Gamble, quite the math project. In class we were to measure our "farm land" with that measurement we were to pick a crop and plant it on our land. We then have to calculate the kcal of how much crop we will have, but before we do that we had to calculate the loss we face when our crops experience conditions that they can't handle. We call it a gamble because you never really know how bad or good your crop production will turn out. Then we had to figure out how many meat eating and vegetarian people that we could feed. Also, we had to figure out how  many animals that we could feed with the crops in order for meat eaters to have food. Which I don't care about at his point because the math pissed me off.

     This assignment was a little confusing because I really had to go in dept into the math of the whole thing. Because we were not aloud to use calculators, the division was very difficult because I forgot how to do long division. I had to ask someone to teach me how to do it again, and even then I was getting crazy answers. I realized that I needed to be more careful and neat when I was doing multiplication because I wasn't getting accurate numbers. After I would finish each question I would check my work on a calculator and find my mistakes so that I wouldn't keep going with incorrect numbers. The very end asks how many vegetarian people I could feed with my crops and the correct amount of calories. I keep getting a huge number even when I redid the paper so I am coming to the conclusion that I messed up numbers somewhere before the last question and that's why it doesn't make sense.